Religious education
Mega Bundle Year 1 and Year 2 Planning English Literacy Maths
Tons of great planning at bargain price.
Covers all terms for both year 1 and year 2
Look at the shop for details.
Year 3 and Year 4 Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 plus Mathematics Aesop Cloze Test Worksheets
Mega bundle.
Please look at my shop for full details.
Complete year’s planning for Year 3 and Year 4 plus:
Telling the time worksheets
Times Tables worksheets
Aesop close test worksheets
All answer sheets provided for worksheets.
Great value. Please be patient when downloading.
Years 1 to 6 Religious Studies Complete Year's Planning Great Value Bundle
Superb value.
Great if you have to deliver R.E.
Loads of worksheets, planning, Powerpoints.
Back to School Year 3 Resources Math Literacy Great Bundle Puzzles Sudoku
Great mega bundle for year 3. Wide range of materials.
Please look at shop for full details.
20 resources in total. Bargain.
Year 4 Super Bundle Masses of Planning Worksheets Literacy maths Arts
Super bundle for year 4.
Loads of resources. See my shop for details.
Start your school year with loads of planning that you can adapt for personal use. Take the strain out of Sunday planning.
Year 6 Mega Bundle Loads of Teaching Resources Maths English
Loads of resources.
Tons of planning.
Please look at the shop for individual details.
Plenty of Maths and english. Take the stress out of planning your lessons.
Year 5 Super Bundle 20 Items Loads of Planning Maths English Humanities Worksheets
A super bundle.
Tons of planning.
Please look at individual items in the shop to get an idea of what’s on offer.